A Bountiful Spring Garden.

It’s a damp and drizzly morning, and looking out of the window wondering if I am going to get out there this morning.


Stout shoes and my fleece and I chance it. It is amazing how in just a couple of weeks the whole garden has now taken on that healthy, lush green appearance.


                                   Looking out of my shed.

     It’s hard to believe that a few weeks ago I was having my yearly spring panic, just how am I going to get this lot weeded and tidied.

     The daffodils have now taken over from the snowdrops and crocus and the roses are showing tiny little embryo buds.

      For Gill at  Gardening At The Edge. In front is my medlar, now about 20 years old, stunning when in flower. Rosa Seagull grows through it.


             View from under the wisteria arch. The box topiary, and there are many, will need a first haircut soon.

             The cane hoops on the right are protecting the ponds from the heron, once the planting has grown the hoops are removed.

              I don’t like rearing fish for the heron ‘s dinner.


                                            Turning to go under the arch.

                      Through the arch and I have an area that has always been the most challenging. Getting full sun, so everything in here grows like mad. Sometimes my perennials have 3 ‘Chelsea chops’ in a season. This year however Mr Malc has dug some of it over and removed some of the more exuberant growers, giving me more room for something a little more choice.


                  Looking back at the house from the challenging area.

             Also living in this area are the play house and another auricula ladder and the new shelves. At the very back of these borders I have this year dug out a long strip to grow sweet peas. The greenhouse is just hidden to the right of the shelves.


                           The White Garden.

                          Or part of it. This is a very small area, behind the greenhouse, gated off with 2 reclaimed gates. This makes for a lovely secret garden that the granddaughters love. I plant only white /yellow and blue, but as you can see the pulmonaria has seeded. This needs replacing with Pulmonaria Sissinghurst.


                            Fritillaria Imperiarlis.

                                   And to finish a bit of sunshine…….


                                    Tulips bought off local market last autumn.

                              …….I hope I’ve managed to brighten you day just a little……









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23 responses to “A Bountiful Spring Garden.

  1. All looking great, I especially love the auricula steps, I think I may “borrow” that one!


  2. Your garden looks lovely.I am so impressed with your neat edges. No matter how carefully I do mine they always look as if I chewed them up with my teeth.
    An Auricula ladder! Now that’s an idea to copy. Mind you I’d have to get a few more Auriculas to make it worth the while. But what a lovely way to display them.


  3. Love the fritilleria and the tulip! And the auricula ladder!


  4. alison

    You certainly have brightened the end of a wet and dismal day. Your garden looks so pretty and I too love the auricula ladder.


  5. Gorgeous – green grass, crisp edges, beautiful flowers and landscape – wow. Thank you for sharing those beautiful photos.


  6. You certainly have brightened my day! I love the idea of the secret garden…. Not sure I would have enough room for such a thing in my own garden but I remember my childhood garden with great fondness for all the hiding places. Bet your granddaughters must love it 🙂


  7. diversifolius

    Well said bountiful! I look forward to see your medlar (and Gill’s) in flower!


  8. Thank you so much for showing us such a lot of your garden – your ‘challenging area’ looks really green and interesting 😉


  9. Everywhere looks properly under control, a gardeners garden, full of interesting plants. Great Imperial Fritillaria, sadly mine have come up blind this year.


  10. Jaime

    I’ve just been randomly searching google for things like ‘spring flowers’, ‘spring gardens’, ‘potting shed’, etc. because where I am we’re going to be under feet of snow for at least a few more months, and I wanted something nice and cheerful to look at on my desktop. The top picture of this post came up and I clicked because the ladder-with-pots looked interesting and I hoped there was a bigger picture of it. I’m so glad I did, your garden is gorgeous! The varied beds and winding brick paths look so vibrant and inviting. I love all the photos you have here and I’m probably going to be skimming through your blog for hours. I especially like the idea of your White Garden- I think I might make a note to do something like that with yellow and blue flowers when I finally move somewhere I can have my own garden. Thank you so much for posting such lovely photos, you’ve really brightened my day!


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