Tag Archives: Auricula

A Tiny Bit of Fame

This week I had an email to say that two of my pictures had been published in ‘A Plant Lover’s Guide to Primulas’ by  Jodie Mitchell and Lynne Lawson, from Barnhaven Primula. To say I’m chuffed is an understatement and I’m sorry to all on Facebook who know this already and are reading this. IMG_0082

After the demise of my Auricula ladders I am now the owner of two contemporary plant stands from Ikea. Although lacking in the charm of my wooden ladders, these I now realise are more practical, plus I can get more pots on them and they take up less space.


This morning we had a walk on Wollaton Park just a short bus ride from us. We went along to the walled garden in the courtyard as this where the Hardy Plant Society hold their plant sales. They are also responsible for the upkeep of said gardens. In here the plants are arranged in their plant families and I find this garden so fascinating. I think it is open each Sunday during the growing season. I did come away with just one purchase,  Hemerocallis Sammy Russell, a small late flower in a  deep rusty maroon colour. This will shortly be finding a home with all the other hot colours that surround the circle seating area.

We are now only one month away from opening for the first time with The National Garden Scheme and although we open on a regular basis with our local group this does seem a bit more grown up in a funny way. I suppose it’s because we see many familiar faces with the local one and they know what to expect, the NGS visitors will possibly come from a lot further away so it seems that I need to make an extra effort.

So this week, weather permitting, I will be potting up the last of the plants for sale, as they will need to settle in, more weeding, sweeping and general messing about.

But you know after all the hard work that goes into the garden for just those few hours, it’s more than worth it to see and speak to so many lovely friendly like minded people.

Enjoy you week…..





Filed under Auricula, Uncategorized

The Demise of a Ladder

Friday 11 March.

Today has been a truly beautiful day, sunshine all the way. So this had to be the start of the big garden tidy. After a winter of extremely wet conditions we can finally get to work.

A sad site greeted us, my favorite Auricula ladder had all but died. Luckily I had removed the pots during the winter to save them from cracking with frost. The ladder however had taken a turn for the worse. I know it wasn’t going to last long being outside in all weathers but it was still sad all the same.This ladder was given to me by my lovely son in law, a rescue from a University skip.

The legs had crumbled and some of the steps had started to come away from the side supports, so there was only one thing for it. The legs have been shortened and is now wired to the fence down the garden where Clematis Alba Luxurians and two roses will keep it company. But… I now need another wooden ladder to replace it !!! I do have another being used for Auricula that was Mr Malc’s grandfather’s but it is too big for this space.

auricula ladder

This is the last time you will see this ladder full of Auricula. Although, this picture is now going to be published in a book about Auricula by Barnhaven Primroses in the very near future. Saved for posterity …

15 March

As for the big tidy up this was started on Sunday, the garden waste bins are full the borders are looking better. All ready for feeding and mulching…that can wait for another day.IMG_4226


Filed under From Sewing Room To Potting Shed

Top of the Ladder

It’s been a brilliant year for the Auricula. Out of approx 150 plants, not all different , I think 80% have flowered.


Top of the ladder.

Auricula Joanne

Auricula Joanne

Lord Saye en Sele

Lord Saye en Sele


Arundle Stripe

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One of three Auricula ladders. The fun starts when I replace all of these with Pelargonium for the summer.


Filed under From The Sewing Room To The Potting Shed


On Friday I took a final walk around the garden for October 2014. I was pleasantly surprised to find several plants flowering out of season.


Now both of these blooms just shouldn’t be doing this, Camellia Nobilissima and a large flowered clematis in October !

The camellia usually flowers, if I’m lucky, around Christmas time provided the frost doesn’t get it first. The clematis, well that’s an early summer flowering type.


The drying heads of Hydrangea and Clematis Alba Luxurians. Now I did cut the clematis down at the end of it’s usual flowering time, but it just seems to be going on and on.


And my favourite an unnamed Auricula looking perfect in the autumn sun. There are several more pots with buds showing.


Now all of the Astrantia seem to be enjoying this weather as well. Roma along with Shaggy Florence and Venice are all giving me cut flowers.


The Dahlia Purpusii has made an enormous amount of growth this year. During the spring I took more cuttings and have four more plants growing, all equally as prolific.

The only thing to do is enjoy the display while you can, it surely can’t last for too much longer…….


Filed under From The Potting Shed

Looking Good.

Some parts of the garden are starting to look better after the hot damp month of August.


Along the tiny path leading to the circle the Roscoea are flourishing, looking good with white Cosmos and the spent heads of Hydrangea ‘Miranda’ which started off blue in the early summer now turning all shades of pink.

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I love the orchid like appearance of the Roscoea flowers, looking very delicate but quite a toughy here.


A new Lychnis grown from seed sown 2013, Lychnis Chalcedonica ‘Pinkie’ flowering for the first time and I think a lovely soft pink. Although it’s now starting to establish it’s self, I may move it to be near something like one of the softer coloured Heuchera, It’s habit is a little lax so maybe some short support is needed too. Altogether though I think this is going to be a winner with me.  Another plantworld seed.


Looking around the Auricula plants this is what greeted me. One of my seedlings flowering a little out of season but a lovely surprise all the same……….


Filed under gardening, Hydrangea, Plant world