Tag Archives: Eomecon Chionantha

Should it go or should it stay ?

                          Today’ surprise. But does it go or does it stay?


         With all the innocence it could muster, a delicate looking plant with equally delicate flowers and perfect heart shaped leaves.


                                                  Eomecon Chionantha.      Snow Poppy.

    I’ve waited 18 months for this to flower and I love it, but it will have to stay in a pot. I dare not let this one loose. So, do I give myself yet another chore for the winter, or find another willing recipient for it who might have acres to cover?


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New Season, a Fishy Tale and a Favour.

After ordering more seeds than I can ever use, they arrived last week.


These along side some veg seeds for the allotment, came within 4 days of ordering. Among them are some goodies to try to grow for the conservatory. In the past I have successfully grown Bomarea Hirtella which I think now needs a permanent home outside as I don’t think I can put it in a bigger pot. I have a sheltered spot for it, so that’s another task.

The climbers I have chosen this year are Dicentra Scandens, a yellow climber with ferny foliage that will scramble to about 2 metres. This should over winter as a tuber.

Elytropus Chilensis is one I have never heard of but I am always up for a challenge. This is a woody evergreen climber with purple throated flowers and a delicate perfume.

I’ve always loved the Maurandya plants that I often see when looking in the orangeries in stately homes. So seeing M  ‘Magic Dragon’ which is a hybrid grown by Plant World Seeds , I thought this was the one for me to try. Fast growing and coming in colours ranging from pink to red. I think these will fit nicely into my conservatory colour scheme.

Gloriosa Rothschildiana is another climber that I admire in orangeries, and this I am determined to get to flower. It looks so stunning and is probably one I would have to work into a textile piece.

Still with seeds, Malcolm sowed his tomato seeds last week.


They were up in 5 days….


Just a little taster of a rose to come. Rosa Banksii Lutea already showing buds. Please Please no frost ……

And now a Fishy Tale.

For a couple of years now I have been following Mobana Origami . I have been fascinated by paper folding for a few years now and found his work to be quite addictive. At present he is working on folding a life size elephant, if you want to see his progress then you can follow the link.

Sipho Mobana also folds the most realistic Koi Carp. So this I had to try. Following his tutorial I came up with these.


And I don’t think they look too bad. I used origami papers for the 3 to the right and the left one is magazine paper….I really enjoyed making them and to finish here is a photo of my fish in the pond.


A big favour to ask….Does anyone know whether I should put this in the ground….!!!!  Eomecon Chionantha…commonly called Snow Poppy..I have had it in a pot for a couple of years and I believe it is rampant….Please will someone help me out of my dilemma, or in goes in the bin. Thanks…


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