Monthly Archives: June 2016

Record Breakers

Wow … Who’d have thought that after all the rain we have had and did have at the weekend, that we would end up breaking our record in visitor numbers and the amount raised. Thanks to everyone who braved the elements to visit the 13 different gardens on our trail. The total raised in ticket sales was an amazing £2,233, meaning 638 people came on the trail and that’s not including children. The final total including money from teas and plants etc was £5,352. I think every one involved deserves a pat on the back.

Our weekend started rather damp and slowly, as we are half way round the trail, but then, people kept on coming, plants were selling well and I was happy chatting to lots of very happy friendly people. Sunday arrived with a deluge of rain but there were even more visitors than Saturday. All plants were flying off the table as they were now only £1 a pot. I really didn’t want to over winter too many. Our weekend finished with tea and cakes in the garden with lots of family and friends.

As per usual I am always too busy to remember to take pictures, but one of our visitors who I’d never met before sent me some and has given me permission to use them.

Here are Tonya Machin’s pictures …




I think you will agree she has captured the garden well. Thank you Tonya.

This morning we received a card in the post from a couple of women  who came on Sunday. It was their first every visit to an open garden. I just have to share what they put in the envelope

garden letter

This alone has made all the work we put into opening this year worth while, and as there were no contact details on it I will never be able to thank them.

So if ever you get to open your garden don’t hesitate, you get to meet and make friends with some brilliant people, share plants and stories and hopefully inspire others to take up this wonderful hobby called gardening….. Sue.



Filed under Garden Trail 2016, Uncategorized

May Opening and a Surprise

This last month has been my busiest for along time, with us opening in May and now this coming weekend but I must tell you about the May opening.

We got up to sunshine which stayed with us throughout the day.Unlike last year when the heavens opened and I stood talking to people in the rain. All our ‘staff ‘ (family) came on time and we all mucked in to get the last things ready.  Plants all looking great and the textile table looking inviting, I gave us all a quick lunch then we opened the gates and for half an hour we thought no one was going to come, suddenly the hoards descended.

We never stopped talking to people,selling plants and textiles. It was manic but in a good way.


My cousins Rob and Gill selling plants …


Me doing what I do best…talking about plants.

You get to meet so many like minded people, some new comers and a lot of regulars. We even had the previous owners of our house come, last seen 38 years ago… they saw a difference.


The garden shortly after moving in in 1978.



And I have saved the best till last….

On the Wednesday after the opening we received a parcel in the post, thinking this was a mistake as I know I hadn’t sent for anything, we gingerly opened it. My cousins Rob and Gill had put together an amazing book of pictures from the day. I am so pleased and thrilled with it and I will treasure it always.


The pictures are superb ….


And this is fabulous …a timed shot of all of us …


We ended up with only two bags left and enough plants for this week end.

So the final total for the day including the other two gardens in our group was…

£ 800 in ticket sales …with a grand total of just under £1,500 with plants, teas, crafts and textiles. I think it was a very worth while, if not a little exhausting, day.


And I leave you with a picture taken yesterday of the wisteria…no it wasn’t open on the day but boy will it look good this weekend. So what ever the weather this week end go visit an open garden it’s the best time of the year and you never know you may pick up that plant you’ve always wanted…….  Sue












Filed under National Gardens Scheme, Uncategorized